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Submit your projects for the Smart Mobility Challenge

04 August 2017

Do you have your own smart way of improving mobility in the Brussels-Capital Region? The Smart Mobility Challenge will perhaps enable you to test out its feasibility in a living lab. This call for projects will be revealed at a launch event on 26 September 2017.

19 Providing solutions for the mobility challenge

The Smart Mobility Challenge is a call for projects involving funding living labs in the mobility field. This will mean taking advantage of the increasingly amounts of knowledge and data available in the Brussels-Capital Region (BCR) in order to come up with solutions to the major challenge for society that mobility represents. The objective is to encourage the formation of partnerships that will define a living-lab concept to receive funding that can be spread over three years, totalling at least 4 million euros.

26 September: the launch event

This call for projects will actually be launched on 26 September on the occasion of a “brokerage event”, in other words a platform for initiating partnerships. Details of the call for projects will be communicated at the event: the preferred themes, the rules governing it and the selection criteria and process.
Concrete examples will be presented on this occasion as inspiration for your potential project. You can also take part in open space workshops focusing on the various themes related to smart mobility. The purpose of these workshops will be to link supply with demand in terms of solutions, data and skills.

Do you have a “smart mobility” solution?

The 26/09 event will offer you a unique opportunity to:
  • Think together about tomorrow’s mobility;
  • Present your concrete BCR smart mobility challenge/solution;
  • Take stock of the situation regarding Brussels mobility data: who owns them? how do they use them? ;
  • Meet the key mobility players in the BCR and find potential partners.

Do you already have an idea to submit?

Do you have an idea of the solution that you want to present at the launch event of the Smart City Challenge? Send a short description (1 page maximum) before 19 September 2017 to gdanneels@innoviris.brussalts.

A cross-cutting initiative

The Smart Mobility Challenge is a concrete example of cooperation between regional administrative authorities in the smart city context. Five Brussels administrative authorities broke down the barriers between each other by creating the Smart Mobility Committee in 2014: Brussels Mobility, the CIRB, the STIB, Parking Brussels and Innoviris. The Committee develops joint initiatives in the smart mobility field, a basic theme of the smart city.
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