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For schools in the digital age

14 September 2015

It would be wise to enable schools to install equipment in line with their specific needs and to open up the range of possibilities through calls for projects, an idea suggested by Samira (Tubize)

Huge injustices persist. Here are two of them:
  • in Wallonia, the ‘école numérique’ (digital school) offers the possibility of taking part in calls for projects. This enables schools (if they so wish) to obtain tablets or any other equipment chosen by the teaching teams so to move practices towards the digital age. Nothing like this exists in Brussels and yet it is the capital of Europe!
  • A Multimedia Plan has been put in place for our schools in Brussels and many of them have already taken advantage of it. Here again, however, the most recent Plan from 2012 favours secondary schools (for example enabling them to be equipped with tablets) and our primary classes are relegated to second place, as they obviously do not have this possibility. Similarly, Fibre-to-the-school only concerns secondary schools.
Pupil motivation, interactivity, learning through fun-filled educational activities, opening up to knowledge and to the world are also an important part of primary education! So why don’t we think about a structure like the ‘Digital School’ to equip schools through calls for projects?
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