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A single account for all your services

03 December 2018

Today, when you go to the doctor or on holiday, you are asked for the same identity card each time. At the hospital, you have to fill in a form each time, supplying information concerning your previous examinations, and when you buy or rent real estate, you also have to state each time how much you earn. An idea suggested by Niels (Aarschot)

My solution to all this hassle is a single online tool that stores and processes all data concerning the same person. Whatever the service or department, they will have access to the relevant information at all times. However, the hospital will not be able to see your income, only your medical information. Real-estate agents will be able to consult your pay slip, and so will banks. They will not, however, be able to access your medical information unless they expressly make this request (by mutual consent, this may be done by clicking on the “Release” button). In this way, poverty can be dealt with far more swiftly, as well as the supply of services in general!
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