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​Stop bike theft with this sticker!

01 April 2019

Anti bicycle theft platform

The Brussels Region recently launched, which makes it possible to register your bike online and identify it with a unique anti-theft sticker.

This ergonomic and highly attractive platform was created at the request of the Ministry of Mobility, in collaboration with Brussels Mobility, police zones and cyclists' associations. Free of charge, it is aimed at all cyclists in Brussels, and is designed to reduce the risk of theft and handling of stolen goods in the Brussels Region.

After being registered online, a number is assigned to the bike. This number can be affixed to the frame of the bike with an anti-theft sticker, which also features a QR code. By directly scanning the QR code or entering the unique identifier on, it can be easily checked if a bike has been reported stolen. now makes it possible to buy and resell a bike transparently and legally.

As it replaces any engraving on the bike, the sticker, which is particularly resistant to tearing off, UV rays and bad weather, poses no risk of damage to the bike frame.

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