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A yearly competition to make citizens aware of the dangers of speeding

31 October 2019

A way to make citizens aware of the dangers of speeding

It's better to arrive late ... Certain drivers of motorised vehicles ignore the speed limits of 30 and 50 km per hour when behind the wheel. They drive fast and furiously and, unfortunately, instead of arriving on time at home or an appointment, they end up early in the ER.

To make citizens even more aware of the danger of speeding, Brussels should organise a competition with a focus on the following question: How should we ensure a pleasant and safe mobility experience?

The goal of this competition would be to make the citizens aware of the danger of this thirst for speed, which is like a drug. The challenge would be to find the best slogan, the one that appeals to the ciitzens the most regarding speeding. Afterwards, this slogan would be posted all across the region. 
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