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City of Brussels selects five laureates for its Smart City project appeal

16 June 2020

The City of Brussels has been quite active in terms of Smart City initiatives, selecting five practical proposals as part of its third Smart City project appeal. With the financial support attached to this, the following organisations can get started with their Smart City ideas:
  1. Taxistop vzw conceived a pilot project for sharing delivery vans and cargo bikes
  2. Give a Day aims to develop a web platform for managing local voluntary work and matching up the needs of associations and volunteers in particular
  3. Jeasy nv is providing a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform: the platform acts as a mobility coach to recommend a programme of action
  4. Arts & Publics sketched out a video game workshop for children that highlights the inequality between men and women.
  5. SAS Mile Positioning Solutions is introducing its Runnin’City app to outline 30 inter-generational walking routes in Brussels.
Each project was awarded a subsidy of €10,000 to develop its Smart City idea and make the lives of the residents of the City of Brussels smarter and more pleasant.

As it happens, Smart City Brussels was closely involved in the selection of these five ideas through our Smart City Brussels Manager Céline Vanderborght, who was among the jury.

In the meantime, we look forward to their practical implementation!
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