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A hackathon to build the police force of the future

12 November 2020

On 9 and 10 December, the Federal Police Force is hosting a fully virtual "Smart Policing" hackathon in partnership with the Vias Institute and EY. The initiative aims to develop ideas for digital and innovative solutions to respond to the new challenges faced by police forces in their fight against crime.

Start-ups, students, developers, researchers and companies are invited to channel their creativity and skills around one of the following issues:
  • Smart Operation: How can new technologies provide better support for everyday policing operations?
  • Smart Investigation: How can innovative investigation techniques improve the fight against serious and organised crime?
  • Smart Interaction: How can we bring police closer to citizens in a digital era?
  • Smart Selection & Training: How can police recruit and select the right candidates and provide them with lifelong training to address the changing needs of society?
A team of industry experts and coaches will be assigned to each team to support it in its search for solutions.
In preparation for the event, a welcome day is planned on 25 November when participants will have the opportunity to ask their questions and discuss the topics to be covered.
It is also an opportunity to get to know more about policing and its most urgent challenges!
You said hackathon?
A hackathon is a creative problem solving technique which encourages original and "out-of-the-box" ideas. Participants are divided into multi-functional teams that must design new concepts, business models, processes, technologies and solutions to tackle predefined challenges. The activity is time limited, generally between 24 and 48 hours.
In this case, this two-day hackathon aims to propose prototypes or tangible and functional products to the police based on a convincing business plan.
At the end of the event, the teams will defend their projects in front of a jury of experts. Each group will have a few minutes to present its results and demonstrate its idea. The most promising projects will then be awarded prizes.
Want to give it a try?
Register here for one of the four challenges before 04 December and contribute to the future of policing!
You can register as a team (eight people maximum) or individually. The organisation can also help you to find partners to form a team.
For further information:
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