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Fight against digital vulnerability: raise awareness among Brussels CPAS social workers!

15 October 2021

After the multimedia animators and the municipal staff, it is now the turn of CPAS social workers to take part in the "Understanding and diagnosing digital vulnerability" information sessions offered by the Digital Inclusion Coordination within the BRIC, (the Brussels Agency for Administrative Simplification), BruLocalis and WeTechCare.

In the context of the Digital Appropriation Plan, the implementation of which was entrusted to the CIBG (via the Digital Inclusion Coordination) and, the non-profit organisation WeTechCare has been running digital inclusion awareness-raising workshops for some months now.

Good news: a new training round is coming up! This time, it is for social workers of CPAS!

The workshops are completely free and will take place on 22 and 25 October, on 9, 16 and 19 November and on 7 December.

In small groups of 12 people, the social workers will, during 2.5 hours, get a better insight into the current situation in Belgium, the most important steps in the guidance of citizens, the thresholds for the use of digital technology and the levers for motivation, the 123digit-tools, but also the Itsme and authentication modules. 

Are you available on one of these dates? Then you can register for one of the sessions through this link:
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