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The Smart City register of the Brussels Capital Region is online!

25 May 2023

The Smart City Office of the Brussels Capital Region monitors the Smart City policy in the Brussels Region and focuses its efforts on seeking synergies between the various regional and municipal administrations in Brussels. One of its latest achievements as a centre of knowledge and expertise is the Region's Smart City register!

To ensure cooperation between the various administrations, the Smart City Office (part of Paradigm) has spent several months working on a register of the Region's and municipalities' Smart City projects to provide a precise and detailed view of the Region's Smart City projects, including those for which the Smart City Office and/or Paradigm (the public interest organisation involved in the digital transformation in the Brussels Capital Region) are not directly responsible, and to inform the citizens of Brussels about them.

Composed of six parts (Smart Mobility, Smart Economy, Smart People, Smart Environment, Smart Tourism and Smart Energy)*, this register is the result of long-term work led by the Smart City Office based on various contacts, press articles and administration websites.

Some data will undoubtedly vary over time, for a variety of reasons, but the Smart City Office will do its utmost to keep citizens informed of the development of the various projects on the portal. The Smart City Office is also aware of the non-exhaustive nature of the data and invites people to contact it if one or more of the "Smart City" projects of your administration are not listed in this document.

Smart City register of the Brussels Capital Region 2022 [fr]  Smart City register of the Brussels Capital Region 2022 [nl] 
* These are the six fundamental areas of action that allow a city to transform itself into a smart city and guide its objectives in this direction, according to the definition of smart cities by Boyd Cohen, a researcher in urban development.
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