The direct contact point between the tax authority and the 19 Brussels municipalities
be.taxlinked19 is an ambitious project which was created in February 2016. Given the many interactions between our tax authority and the 19 municipalities of Brussels, the need to establish a suitable structure was very quickly felt. Brussels Taxation therefore appointed a liaison officer to become the direct contact point between the authority and the 19 Brussels municipalities. An online form was developed to centralise all their questions, needs and requirements in relation to taxation powers.
Moreover, all the liaison officer’s correspondence indicates the Internet link behind which this form is displayed ( (in French or in Dutch). The area devoted to questions or remarks is deliberately and intentionally limited to 750 characters; correspondents are also requested to limit themselves to one question or remark per form.
The liaison officer can thus pass on the form to the right person or unit and ensure that a (first) reply is made within a useful period of 48 hours. A record of these communications is also sent by the liaison officer to the Customer Management Department.
The be.taxlinked19 project is all about ease, listening, transfer and speed in communications between us and the 19 Brussels municipalities. Nevertheless, the contact form and the appointment of a liaison officer are only the start of a larger scale project, as our authority’s ambition is to develop a modern and interactive platform which will centralise all contacts with our partners.