Enrolling a child at a school can often turn out to be an ordeal for parents... This innovation could make life easier for them: from the beginning of 2018, citizens of Forest have been able to enrol their children at the municipal French-speaking schools via IRISbox!
The smart city is a city just like any other. With schools too. And schools necessarily need enrolling at. The difference is that, in the smart city, solutions exist to make life easier for citizens. That is why, after having decided to abandon the system of telephone enrolments that led to bottlenecks on telephone switchboards, the municipality of Forest has innovated by launching an enrolment process, 100% online.
IRISbox, the electronic one-stop-shop of the Brussels Region, already used by the municipality of Forest to enable citizens to carry out their administrative procedures online, was the obvious solution for this first “smart”.
A first “smart”!
IRISbox offered many benefits for making a school enrolment:
- ease, speed, traceability of enrolment applications and security;
- the time taken into account for an application is the time that the form is opened, so there is no need to rush to fill it out;
- a response, within a week, with confirmation of the enrolment application, with the date and time of the application: no more arguments possible about the order of arrival of the applications!
This new method, as expected, has been very successful, to the great satisfaction of parents and of the municipal administration. An excellent step forward for the smart city!