On Monday, November 16, a panel of experts and political representatives will debate social innovation during a conference held by the Economic and Social Council of the Brussels-Capital Region.
The urban, social and economic challenges Brussels is confronted with at the horizon of a new decennium require innovating solutions. In order to develop the services and products which contribute to a better individual and collective wellbeing, social innovation turns - more and more - out to be a complementary approach of the conventional actions of the public and private sector.
What is social innovation ?
Which solutions can it bring to the problems of employment, aging, mobility and social cohesion ? How can we create a regional ecosystem that stimulates the actors in the field of social innovation (authorities, public services, associations, social and solidary economy, social entrepreneurs, etc.) ?
This colloquium has the ambition to nourish the debate between the Brussels’ actors about the possible added value of social innovation for our Region, on the basis of global reflections and presentations of concrete realizations in Belgium and abroad.
The colloquium will take place on Monday, November 16th, 2015, from 9 to 16:30, in the
International Auditorium conference center (Boulevard Albert II 5, 1210 Brussels). Free admission subject to prior registration.