Even before the health crisis, we knew that online tools for accessing consumer goods and services would gradually take hold. Today, our private and professional lives are kept going thanks to digital technology! However, there is still the risk of excluding part of the population, so how can we guarantee access to online public services for everyone, for example?
The digitisation of public services is a challenge: it involves adapting to the new expectations of citizens, while anticipating difficulties in users' journeys, and not forgetting to support employees in this profound transformation.
To support municipal employees in the use of the tools available to them and raise their awareness of the current situation, easy.brussels, the Brussels agency for administrative simplification and the Digital Inclusion Coordination of the Brussels Region (BRIC), in collaboration with Brulocalis, is offering awareness workshops on digital inclusion for the employees of your administration.
This action is part of the
Digital Ownership Plan, whose implementation has been entrusted to the BRIC (via the Digital Inclusion Coordination) and easy.brussels.
You can register now via this registration link: https://www.eventbrite.be/e/inscription-cirbeasy-workshop-comprendre-et-detecter-la-precarite-numerique-151775559785