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The 2021-2024 Digital Appropriation Plan

The Digital Inclusion Coordination proposed a Digital Appropriation Plan (DAP) (FR/NL) which was approved on 12 February 2021. This plan was drawn up in collaboration with the members of the Working Group and in consultation with stakeholders on the ground. Through this plan, the Region acknowledges the urgent need to take concrete measures to enhance the digital skills of the people of Brussels.
It comprises four areas, 17 projects and 66 actions: 
  1. Raising awareness and destigmatising
  2. Uniting
  3. Equipping
  4. Supporting
The DAP's actions aim to support and help all the inhabitants of Brussels. However, the studies that preceded the drafting of this document proved that it was essential to focus on six specific audiences. This is why a number of actions are geared towards job-seekers, young people, senior citizens, people with disabilities, people in precarious situations and women.
In addition to the DAP, the DIC has also implemented specific initiatives, in response to the development of the Digital Inclusion Unit, the demands of the sector and especially the needs of the people of Brussels.

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